The Shellfish and Shellfisheries of Ireland
by Noël P. Wilkins
After a long period of neglect, Ireland is once again embracing its marine
resources as the patrimony of the nation. And we are doing it in a way
that enhances our environment and further enriches our diet. Many of our
Continental visitors know and appreciate the value and the benefits of
our shellfish. It is we ourselves who need reminding of our country's
long love
affair with them (and their contribution, in turn, to our love affairs!).
Drawing on mythology, archaeology, history, oral tradition, biology,
economics and a wealth of personal experience Alive, Alive-O tells the
story of Ireland's shellfish and shellfisheries.
Our Bronze Age ancestors gathered them in their millions; St. Patrick
sheltered inside one of them; they staved off famine for the hungry poor;
the rich and famous roistered with them; Countesses built houses with
them; pilgrims wore them as badges; Aran islanders used them as lamps,
and Molly Malone hawked them around the streets of late Victorian Dublin
crying Cockles and Mussels, Alive, Alive-O at tuppence a quart!
Some species were
the fast food of the industrial revolution; others are a new and exotic
addition to the modern diet.
These are just some elements of the story of Irish shellfish. In our long
history we have used and abused them, embedding them in our legislation
and in our languages Irish and English as firmly as they embedded
in the limestone bedrock of our country over 400 million years ago. Today
the humble shellfish of Ireland support an industry worth almost thirty
million euro annually that gives employment, confidence and sustainability
to our coastal communities. But in some sad cases the wild stocks are
being driven to extinction by overfishing and greed.
This book is a beginning to the celebration of one of our prime marine
resources. Sampling the recipes given will be even more enjoyable.
Cherishing, sustaining and respecting the traditions and lifestyles of
our coastal communities are the ultimate goals that this book aims to
156 pp, illustrated, ISBN 1 873821 20 4,
230 x 210mm
Paper Back: Euro 15.99